This page is inspired by the Now Movement which I first saw on Jamie Tanna's website. Learn about what I'm up to right now.
I usually split my time in the UK and Greece
Right now, I'm in Athens enjoying the start of summer before it gets unbearably hot
I'll probably be back in Sheffield / London soon-ish
Trying out an experiment to ditch my Apple Watch this week but regular running, boxing, spinning and weight lifting continues
Been exploring somatic therapy for mental health
I need to sleep more, haven't slept well for three weeks
In general
Working on some blog posts on several topics, but want to add more on community building
Watering my digital garden, every single day
Planning some getaways the next few weeks, follow on Instagram for photos!
Working on a podcast with a friend
Still enjoying Taylor Swift's new album. Loving "thanK you aIMee" especially right now, for the most relatable lyrics:
> All that time you were throwing punches
I was building something
And I can't forgive the way you made me feel
Screamed, "Fuck you, Aimee" to the night sky
> I built a legacy that you can't undo
First written: 14th May 2024
Last updated: 14th May 2024