Wall of Love

Hear it from others, a collection taken from social media 💜

Hear it from others, a collection taken from social media 💜

If you're reading this on mobile, yes, this is long — but there's an end, I promise.

Huge fan of Pauline and how she’s elevating communities globally at @gitpod. I need to open a job posting who’s sole responsibility is to “keep up with Pauline”. A true force of nature 350+ turnout for an initiative started within the year is nothing short of incredible.

Huge fan of Pauline and how she’s elevating communities globally at @gitpod. I need to open a job posting who’s sole responsibility is to “keep up with Pauline”. A true force of nature 350+ turnout for an initiative started within the year is nothing short of incredible.

Taz Singh



You should be…rushing to hire Pauline. This is a huge opportunity for someone to pick up a one in a generation community leader.

Brendan O’Leary


You should be…rushing to hire Pauline. This is a huge opportunity for someone to pick up a one in a generation community leader.

Brendan O’Leary


What you did for Gitpod was nothing short of impressive and I am glad I got the opportunity to work with you and learn from you 🙏🏽 you are a class act for using your energies now to find everyone a good new place to keep growing ❤️ 🤗

Julia Leyton

What you did for Gitpod was nothing short of impressive and I am glad I got the opportunity to work with you and learn from you 🙏🏽 you are a class act for using your energies now to find everyone a good new place to keep growing ❤️ 🤗

Julia Leyton

Pauline has been an integral part of our team for over three years, and her decision to join Gitpod has proven to be a game-changer. Not only is she a wonderful person to work with, but she has also played a pivotal role in driving Gitpod's success. Pauline's leadership in building and nurturing the Gitpod community has been exceptional, creating an inclusive space where individuals can connect, collaborate, and share their passions.

Her vibrant energy and enthusiasm are infectious, whether it's on screen or in person and she has a natural talent for bringing people together.

I have had the privilege of collaborating directly with Pauline on numerous projects, including the establishment of a developer experience community and the coordination of CDE Universe in SF. Her structured approach, unwavering reliability, hands-on involvement, and readiness to support the team have consistently impressed me. Working alongside her has been an immensely enjoyable and enriching experience.

Without hesitation, I would recommend Pauline to any organization seeking a dedicated, talented, and all-around exceptional team member. It would be an absolute pleasure to have the opportunity to collaborate with her again in the future.

Christin Frohne

Pauline P. Narvas, you are always so caring, and you pour yourself into everything you do. I love seeing it unfolding, even here on LinkedIn. Always keen on connecting; you bring a lot of positive in people lives :)

Giulia Guizzardi

Pauline P. Narvas is way above the bar. I owe a lot of our success at CaravanaCloud to her *personally* dedicating time to us at a busy KubeConf. Totally recommended!

Julio Faerman


I was very impressed when Gitpod succeeded in hiring Pauline as a developer advocate, because she was already quite a celebrity back then.

Ever since, she's been on a parabolic growth trajectory, delivering A+ work on every task or challenge she is presented with, sometimes in spite of unfavourable odds or impossible deadlines -- you can count on Pauline to somehow still make it work.

She also takes everyone along for the ride: being the public face of our start-up, I was amazed to see both our company and a very vibrant community grow around her. She is super reliable, and somehow, she always seems happy to take on more work and more responsibilities, becoming for example an awesome manager, marketer, technical content creator, or even the Head of Community for Gitpod. She can do it all and incredibly well.

On a personal level, I deeply appreciated having Pauline as a colleague, as her friendliness, humour, creativity, persistence, professionalism, and incredibly high energy were all very inspiring and uplifting.

If you ever have a chance at hiring Pauline -- go for it! She's one of the very best out there.

Jan Keromnes



It has been such a joy to work with Pauline. She brings light to every room she entered. Her ability to bring a brand to life through her warmth and ability to build relationships is pure gold and anyone that gets to work with her should consider themselves lucky. The amount of personal growth I've seen in her the past few years makes me certain that she will continue to adapt wherever she works and will bring immense ROI when it comes to developing community and relationships.

Eva Hyder

If I could I would hire Pauline one hundred times. She will make your company shine. Go grab her talent till you can.

Leo Di Donato


I was fortunate to have her as my manager in my first role at a remote company, despite having no prior work experience as an intern. She was kind-hearted and helped me improve my skills, inspiring me and giving me the freedom to explore and take action without being overly authoritative. Her support greatly boosted my confidence and directly influenced my professional growth. She has been a mentor, a cheerleader, and most importantly, a caring person.

Pauline single-handedly built a vibrant community around Gitpod from scratch. I personally witnessed her energetic approach, leading numerous initiatives that generated excitement and rapidly expanded the community.

These initiatives included weekly office hours, podcasts, online and in-person events, meetups, conferences, creating resources such as technical YouTube tutorials and quickstart templates for the community to adopt and learn from. She executed these initiatives with enthusiasm and great success.

I believe her energy will have a positive influence on any team.

Aminur Rahman



We never met but I attended one online event you organized and loved your passion! Take it easy and all the best, there is somewhere a lucky company which will have the luck to have you in their team.

Laurent Kempé


I greatly enjoyed working with Pauline on the Community Team at Gitpod.

Her enthusiasm for building a strong, active community was a major reason I joined.

Pauline was an incredibly driven and caring manager, and though it was her first time managing, her guidance was invaluable. She helped us achieve our team goals and greatly aided my personal development. Any organisation would be lucky to have Pauline, and I fully recommend her for her excellent work and genuine care for her team and the community.

Pauline was always approachable and ready to help. It was clear she cared deeply about our Community team, often proudly sharing our achievements. Her support made a real difference, both to the team and to me personally.

Willow Smith



You've done an amazing job. Gitpod wouldn't be what it is now without you.

Mat V.


It is my pleasure to strongly recommend Pauline as as someone I have worked with who uniquely stands out.

During the time we worked together, Pauline displayed a great talent in picking up new technologies and her understanding of cloud computing grew at an impressive rate.

It was not just her technical skills that impressed me, however. Pauline was a joy to work with because of her amazingly positive attitude and desire to make a difference.

Wayne Bridgman

She is a force of nature. The more I learn of what she does and the way she does it the more impressed I am.



Did I see "great community leader" but no mention of

@paulienuh?!? She's da best!!

Did I see "great community leader" but no mention of @paulienuh?!? She's da best!!



I’m SO proud of @paulienuh. A true community leader and someone who will continue to make waves and lift up others throughout her career.



I hired Pauline at Gitpod and watched her grow for three years. She transformed our community radiating infectious energy and always showed deep empathy, connecting with engineers both online and in person. Pauline is truly unique, and her impact on Gitpod will last for years.

Johannes Landgraf


Pauline is one of the best people in DevRel space I can think of. I found her online before she got famous and I've been following her career progress ever since. A talented, hard working fantastic person. If I were running a tech company, I would offer her position immediately.

Maciej Walkowiak


I met Pauline P. Narvas and she has an exceptionally inspiring DevRel mindset. See how she advocates for others even in this post. That's how she truly is. Friends, if you have an open DevRel position, you can only win in hiring Pauline. A very rare opportunity. Now go, go, go!

Jan Schenk

Pauline is absolutely amazing at building community. Hire her while you can!

Sam Julien


A dynamic self-starter, Pauline will add value to your business.

Andrew Shaw

You should hire @paulienuh. She won't be on the market long.

James Governor


As someone new to the OSS world, it's a challenging path to get into a community let alone start making valuable contributions, i.e. there's usually a huge gap between an organisation and the community.

But with Pauline in your team, I suppose anyone would be able to do so...so very openly, she's really supportive of one's ideas and is great at especially validating ideas and always easy to approach, being an essential bridge between your organisation and the community.

Always excited, always ready to connect and help, and always *loud* about the community to the world...

Palanikannan M



Pauline is one of the best community builders I have come across. We have worked together in the DevRel team, and her work has continuously inspired me. She has done a fantastic job setting up different processes at Gitpod and building a great community. I would recommend Pauline as her expertise in community building and Devrel activities would help an organization grow.

Nancy Chauhan


Pauline is not only friendly but also incredibly proactive and community-focused.

Her enthusiasm for building and nurturing communities is evident in their approach to engagement strategies and fostering a positive atmosphere.

We have geeked out in person at London meet-ups organised by Pauline as well as virtually live on my YouTube channel, both were great experiences and I look forward to next time.

If you're looking for someone dedicated and dynamic, look no further.

Eddie Jaoude


Pauline is a force of nature.

A woman capable of doing anything she sets her mind on. Technical? Check. Leadership? Check. Community building? Check with rainbows.

After Gitpod hired her, what was an interesting engineering feat for gray-bearded nerds quickly became the exciting base tool for an horde of software builders of any kind, gender, experience.

She is a strategic, enthusiastic, creative, stubborn thinker and leader. Let her lead. Let her create and solve her own problems.

Pauline being managed: incredible worker.

Pauline leading: there’s no limit in what she can do.

Let her do her thing. Thank me later.

William Ghelfi


Imagine being on the same team with @paulienuh! 🏀

George Tsiolis


Mentor #10, I will forever be grateful, thanks for giving a weird, half-baked mentoring platform a try.

I distinctively remember being super excited seeing someone my same age crush it so hard (can you imagine this was 2017 ). A supporter ever since.

Dominic Monn


I loved working with Pauline. She has an infectious energy which is contagious and is brilliant at distilling complex ideas in a way that makes them accessible.

We worked together to deliver community office hours and built a good relationship with the community on both sync and async channels. It was great bouncing ideas off Pauline as she has a great knack for understanding the point being made and articulating it well.

This was particularly useful when submitting conference talks - we worked together on 4 conference submissions, all of which were selected by the organisers to be delivered.

This was a huge achievement and one that I couldn't have done without Pauline's help.

Simon Emms


I knew you to be an amazing representative of the community, the product and all the values it represents.

Vipul Gupta


Thank you for all your contributions and work on GitPod's ecosystem. With CDEs becoming more and more popular, I am sure it won't take long to find a new (and lucky to have you) company.

Oleg Nenashev


Y’all. I have always been in awe at the way @paulienuh transitioned into the DevRel space and did so many great stuff in a short period of time. It was so great to meet you virtually, Pauline. I enjoyed every minute of it.

Edidiong Asikpo (Didi)


Congratulations! You worked so hard for this and it is truly well deserved I’m genuinely inspired by your output and dedication and am so happy to see this.

Natalie Marleny


I probably wouldn't ever write this book if not @paulienuh. She as one of few did not judge me by appearances, when I approached her, and she taught me how to create quality content. I'm forever in debt.

Adaptive Developer


Thanks @paulienuh it's great to see you doing so well, and thank you for continuing to inspire ladies all around the world!

Faye Ellis


Very inspiring, Pauline. Every time I see your posts on my timeline I'm thinking "she's so brave".

Liran Tal


@paulienuh is an amazing host (I really mean it) & I'm sure you'll enjoy our free-style talk on her podcast.

Ritika Mehta


She has proven to be incredibly dedicated to the CFG mission and is a leading advocate of the organisation.

Pauline is able to easily engage with and inspire others (from students, fellow instructors or mentors, to the CFG team!) with her tech experience, passion and charismatic demeanour.

Kim Gray

Pauline stands out as one of the most exceptional community builders I've encountered. We collaborated in the DevRel team, where her work consistently inspired me. She has excelled in establishing various processes at Gitpod and fostering a vibrant community. I highly recommend Pauline, as her proficiency in community building and DevRel activities is sure to contribute to an organization's growth.

Siddhant Khare


When it comes to DevRel, Pauline P. Narvas is someone you should listen to. Not only the "5Cs" point she's making, but watch how she presents herself, the energy she brings, and how she deals with forgetting the lines halfway through.

Some of this is innate, but being comfortable like that also takes practice and experience. Most of all, it takes hard work, to even be in these positions.

I'm fortunate enough to see just a little of what Pauline does working out there in various #communities.

I virtually doth my virtual hat to you, the very real Pauline...but be careful with the #coffee ;-)

Geoffrey Teale

Pauline is an exceptional individual with an extremely valuable skillset that is hard to find.

Her superpowers:
1. Community-building: Pauline spearheaded community efforts at Gitpod. She built 100s of meaningful 1:1 relationships. Additionally, she built a scalable support system on which our community grew to 5k+ at the time we stopped working together. Pauline has the rare ability to create an environment that brings the best out of people (online and offline). She is an energy giver.

2. Authentic communication: Pauline is a true internet native who understands authentic, vulnerable, and captivating communication across multiple channels. She's created an arsenal of excellent blog posts, high-quality videos, and viral social media posts. This has earned her a loyal base of 10k+ followers.

3. Project work in teams: Pauline is reliable and well-organized project lead. We worked on a number of big conferences together (including two conferences we created and hosted: DevX Conf, a virtual conference, and CDE Universe). I appreciated Pauline's written communication, her candor, her level of care, and her ability to execute against a deadline. The latter is a rare skill in DevRel.

Above all, Pauline works hard and she truly cares. I loved working with Pauline, I learned a ton from her, and will recommend her 10 out of 10 times.

Michael Aring



@paulienuh is goat (greatest of all time)

Kunal Kushwaha


Pauline was a key reason I joined Gitpod. The energy and dedication she poured into the community there really showcased the company's culture and drew me in. Over the years, Pauline has seamlessly transitioned between roles, each time leaving a profound impact. As the head of community and previously as a community engineer, she was instrumental in knitting the community together at Gitpod.

This past year, stepping into the role of developer advocate, Pauline organized countless events that were pivotal in bringing people together, sparking essential discussions on developer experiences and productivity enhancements. Her passion is undeniable—she always brings her A-game and I'm always raving about the incredible impact she's had on Gitpod's growth and adoption.

Getting to know her personally has been equally rewarding. Pauline's presence is magnetic; she's incredibly genuine and deeply cares about the people around her. I’m eagerly cheering for her from the sidelines for all the amazing things that I know she is going to accomplish.

Nandaja Varma

An effective devrel team needs strong developers, writers, speakers, marketers, and strategists: Pauline is all of that in one person.

When she onboarded me into Gitpod, I got to watch first hand as she wrangled DevXConf into existence out of nothing, easily 10x'ing the output of everyone else on the team (myself included)

And then she did it again, with the DevX Community, and again with CDE Universe.

Nothing feels better than working on a team full of people trying their best to match Pauline's energy. It's like she's managing in flow state – whether she's running interviews, podcasts, or project meetings, she gets everyone aligned and things just happen. If you have the opportunity to work with Pauline, you'd be a fool not to take it.

Jacob Paris



Pauline is a force of nature — she's as talented as she is tenacious and an excellent role model for women in tech and beyond. I met her first in 2018, and have no doubt that she's going to be a driving force in inspiring women everywhere with her warmth and immense ambition. I can't wait to see what she does next!

Brinda Gulati

You continue to be an inspiration for all of us in the Community and I hope you are proud of it. Keeping me eyes extra open for any opportunity worth of your talent.

Carla Gaggini


Read Pauline's story.

From being let go from a role she invested her full passion into, to hard decisions & learnings, to massive personal growth.

Her reflections are truly inspiring. Proud of you, friend ✨


Michael Friedrich


People like you are the reason why Open Source is so incredible. I mean, everything you do, from your amazing blogs to your supportive community management, and even how you manage your time, it's all so inspiring. I really have so much to learn from you @paulienuh!

Henit Chobisa


I've been reading her blogs and they're so inspiring. I couldn't feel more connected with someone online. A few days back I came across @paulienuh's beautiful journey to DevRel and I'm hooked. I would highly recommend reading her blogs.

Preet Kaur


So excited to finally stop by the

@gitpod booth and meet @paulienuh. Y'all she's even more vivacious and lovely in person!

Divya Mohan


@paulienuh from @gitpod is smart, fun and bright !! It was a pleasure to catch-up in person at KubeCon. It's definitely the best event to meet so many great people from the cloud community.

Romaric Philogène


Fantastic to finally meet the awesome @paulienuh in person at #KubeCon! Kudos to Pauline for consistently representing the DevEx community with amazing content.

Daniel Bryant


I was lucky to work with her for close to a year in BT’s Platform Services team.

During that time she developed effective solutions in AWS, showing herself to be a quick learner who is enthusiastic about anything Cloud.

Pauline always brought lots of energy to the room, faced tough challenges head on, and was an incredibly supportive and valuable team member.

Sam Chinellato

Experiencing the full force of @paulienuh experience @gitpod #gitpodlondon! #devx @AWSstartups @CivoCloud

Andrew Phillips


I don't know if you remember me but we met in Valencia two years ago in KubeCon. I was the girl who came to your booth very excited and telling you about how motivated I am seeing you in your journey because girls like you inspire girls like me. Since then I have been following your blog for a long time. I just want to say that I am really inspired by the way you take things on and move forward and everything that you write, everything that you put out, specially for the communities and developer tools - I really really really admire that.

Jyoti Bisht